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Is alcohol in cosmetics safe or not?

  I thought we should have a bit of a cosmetic chemistry lesson today as it might be really useful to know how to identify nasty ingredients in our skincare.

       Is alcohol in cosmetics safe or not?  

We all try to avoid it as much as possible but many of us don’t know that are many types of alcohol: the good ones and the nasty ones. In benign form alcohols are glycols used as humectants that help deliver ingredients into skin. When fats and oils are chemically reduced, they become a group of less-dense alcohols called fatty alcohols that can have emollient properties or can become detergent cleansing agents. No matter your skin-care concerns, alcohol as a main ingredient in any skin-care product is a problem.
      The nasty ones have low molecular weights. These include ethanol, denatured alcohol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, and SD alcohol, which not only can be extremely drying and irritating to skin but also cytotoxic.
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