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Hour Detroit: Craft Cocktails Make a Comeback

Also note: Rifino Valentine of Valentine Vodka will also be opening his own cocktail bar in the coming months, an announcement made after the print deadline for this issue of Hour.

"Classic cocktails are having a resurgence. The almost cultish trend is one-part organic, two-parts local content, with a splash of Iron Chef and a dash of Mad Men for style.

'The new darling of the drinking crowd is rooted in the belief that drinks are meant to be sipped and savored, not slammed and forgotten. Apparently, the slow-food movement and its emphasis on farm-to-table, sustainable, and artisanal, applies to what’s on your plate — and in your glass.

''It’s a natural progression,' says Antoine Przekop, sommelier and beverage manager for Bourbon Steak and SaltWater at the MGM Grand Detroit. '[With craft cocktails], people want to push the envelope and do things that you would not expect, just like chefs do....'

Read the rest of the article here.

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