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Water Decals 

Hi guys, I'm almost at the end of my reviews for Milvart. Their full nail water decals are the easiest and best I've ever used. Super easy to apply, and an awesome selection of designs, colours and finishes.
Today's two are both equally beautiful yet totally different. 
J 188 has a leather like black base with gorgeous gold foil roses. The detail is incredible. Applied over a white base, they are so pretty but my clean up sadly was lacking and I slightly ruined the finished look. This has nothing to do with these decals. It was all human error!

J 29 is a very elegant and colourful butterfly decal with added gold detail. A glossy topcoat really brought these to life. Such a perfect Summer mani.

If I have time I will try and fit the last 4 decals I have in a final post. Believe me when I say 2 of the final 4 are super lush water decals.
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Thanks for stopping by and as always stay safe, much love....

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