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Review: Kiko Nail Lacquer 507 Blush

Hey Beauties!

Kiko Nail Lacquers are one of my favorite nail polishes. I still can't get why we don't have Kiko in Slovenia? Hello Italy, we're neighbors, hook us up. On rare occasion and the fact that I know some of the nicest beauty bloggers in Slovenia - yes, I mean Kvina from Kvinatopia - I get my hands on Kiko products. I've wanted this shade 507 Blush, when I googled for the swatches back in December. It's also the perfect color for spring, which is in my mind just around the corner.

All of Kiko Nail Lacquers come in a classic glass bottle with black top. In each nail polish is 11 ml of product and I don't even know what the regular price for these is. They're almost always on sale. Currently you can get them for 2.50€.

The brush is classic, no rounded edges and just wide enough. I really like how opaque these nail polishes are. With lighter shades you will need two coats to get the perfect even finish, but I always apply two coats anyway. One thin layer and the second thicker layer to even it all out. The formula is on the thicker side, which I really like.

507 Blush is the most perfect nude with peach undertone I've ever seen. I don't really like most of nude nail polishes, because they're either so nude that I don't even see them on my nails or have weird pink tones to it. Peachy shades can also look weird on my skin tone, especially those darker ones. But this is the perfect mash of light powdery peach and a nude base. You can see, I'm obsessed with it.

Natural light
Artificial light
I also used it as a base in my post about French Revival Nails as one of the spring 2016 nail trends.

If you haven't tried Kiko Nail Lacquers and you like thicker opaque formulas, you'll love these. They have one of the biggest shade selection and for the price you get way more quality than with a lot of higher end products. Here are some other shades that I own: 322 Caffe Latte, 526 Mint and 330 Lilac.

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