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That's So 70s - More Jumpsuit Madness (Part 3)!!

Yes, as a dedicated blogger I do track how people find my site - which search words they use, for example (and trust me, some are pretty strange).  And believe it or not, searches having to do with jumpsuits (70s jumpsuits, women's jumpsuits, formal jumpsuits, etc.) pop up on a regular basis.  Why the interest in this fashion oddity?  Well, they just bespeak 70s fashion coolness in a way nothing else does!

Why wait so long for another post on this groovy 70s fashion?  Well, one problem that I have is that jumpsuits are often shown with something else.  Like here, Kathy is in a snazzy, blue jumpsuit but Karen has the white go-go boots going on .  So do I put this pic with jumpsuits or with a post on boots?  Such are the dilemmas of the Historian Blogger!

During the 70s, jumpsuits enjoyed a wide range of applications such as here as formal wear.  Karen looks ready to step out in style in that red evening jumpsuit!

Or they could be used as very causal dress like here with Kathy in a short, denim jumpsuit topped off with a red visor and cute scarf!  You can't beat that!

Yep, either long or short, jumpsuits were everywhere in the late-70s, and thanks to the wonders of the modern industrial age, they can be made with all artificial fabrics like Dacron polyester Terrycloth treated with Zelcon (for comfortable absorbency, natch).

Typically, however, jumpsuits were everyday wear like here.  The flowers on the yellow one are a nice touch!

Here's another pic where I debated whether to use it in a jumpsuit post or somewhere else.  Although, Kathy is not the one wearing the jumpsuit, the pic seemed to fit in with a jumpsuit theme.   I guess the idea here is that the dress and the jumpsuit match.  Once again this is an example of 70s coordinates taken to an extreme.  This obsession of matching outfits was soooo 70s!

Wait, what is this?  A black and white pic?  And to top that off, Shelley Hack seems rather glum.  Basically I threw this in because, dadbernit, I bought this sales flyer and there were no Kathy pics in it.  So that made me all the more determined to use something from it in order to get my money's worth (not a good reason for posting a pic I agree).

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