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Homeland Season 3 episode 1 recap + review 'Tin Man Is Down'

Homeland should effectively be renamed 'Carrie can't catch a break'.

Season 3 opened last Sunday with Carrie (Claire Danes) facing the repercussions of her complicated relationship with Brody (Damian Lewis) the latter of which is in hiding, as seen at the end of Season 2 and does not make an appearance in this episode.

Carrie is facing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and honestly, she is struggling. She has been pre warned not to let the committee know about the instance when Brody attempted a terrorist attack with a suicide vest as this, Brody's subsequent immunity to prosecution and Carrie's complicated affair are supposed to be off the record.

Surprise, surprise, the committee already know about Brody's immunity (someone has tipped them off) and begin by tearing Carrie's credibility to shreds. Carrie's story line of the episode finishes by Saul (Mandy Patinkin) - who seemed so pleased to see her alive at the end of Season 2 - sending her down the metaphorical creek without a paddle when he testifies against her statements in front of the same committee, which just happens to be broadcast on live television. He ruins her credibility and confirms rumors that 'the agent in question' did sleep with Brody and that she has been diagnosed as bipolar.

This sets up Carrie to be a convenient scapegoat (not again) for the CIA and it seems like we might be replaying the 'she's crazy, let's blame her' plot line (a la Season 1 finale) again.

Meanwhile, Dana (Morgan Saylor) finishes a month long stay in hospital after having attempted to kill herself in a bathtub. Jessica (Morena Baccarin) struggles financially as the military seem to have cut her off - I guess that's standard when your husband is an accused terrorist - and she is interviewing for jobs. Mira (Sarita Choudhury) has returned from Mumbai and her and Saul are sleeping in separate beds.

Saul, however (before he throws Carrie to the wolves) is more interested in catching the masterminds responsible for the attack at Langley. The Iranian top guy 'the magician' unfortunately hasn't been seen in public since 1994. Instead they target 6 others involved and simultaneously kill them, affectionately they have all been given code names from the wizard of oz. Thus concluding, Tin man is down.

All in all, it was a pretty slow start to Homeland, but this is a show that builds up slowly, so that is to be expected. Honestly, it's missing a little sparkle without Damian Lewis' complex portrayal of Brody, so let's hope he features in Season 3 (and soon).

So, how will Sunday's episode go? Will Carrie be able to talk her way out of this mess? Will she be shipped off to an institution? (sigh). How will Dana cope adjusting to life at home? How will Saul deal with his decisions?
Did you enjoy the start to Homeland 3, or did you think it could have been more fast paced? Let us know in the comments!

Reviewed by Yaz.

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