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Feeling stress at home? Dave Chudowsky's daughters have some tips to help everybody in the house - WKYC.com

Posted: 01 May 2020 02:51 AM PDT

CLEVELAND — As stay-at-home orders remain in place, are you feeling the stress levels rise?

Our kid experts -- aka Dave Chudowsky's daughters -- weigh in this week with how to help calm the nerves while keeping kids busy at the same time.

First tip? London Chudowsky says they help their parents by doing chores.

Kids can help their parents in all kinds of ways -- inside and outside the house -- but they are focused on three ways you can help. Every morning the girls make their bed and hang their clothes in the closet. By making the bed early, the room is organized and sets the tone for the day. Plus, mom doesn't have to do it.

The girls also help dad with the trash. They go around the house collecting all the garbage, and put in in the main kitchen bag so daddy can take it outside and to the street.

Lastly, while the girls can't do it alone, they really like to help their parents unload the dishwasher and put the dishes away. They make a game out of it by timing to see how long it takes to get everything put away. They also suggest taking your dirty plates to the sink and even into the dishwasher after you eat.

In the Chudowsky house there is a ticket system for the girls.

"Man is it fun!" Brooklyn says.

The girls earn tickets for completing chores, and after earning a certain amount of them they can turn them in for small rewards.

The Chud sisters hope this helps their fellow kid friends with some advice. Brooklyn and London will be back next week with more ideas on 3News and WKYC.com.


Sewing masks to help community; and the world - NewsCenterMaine.com WCSH-WLBZ

Posted: 01 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

KENNEBUNK, Maine — Learning a skill like sewing can take you far in life; you can make your own clothes, or repair them when they're torn. Remember learning that skill in home economics? Most of us make a pillow and move on with life; others find a new hobby in it; and some find a way to change the world. 

That's how Jackie Dewey feels about sewing dresses for an organization that helps to protect young women in developing countries: Dress A Girl Around The World. We spoke with her a few years ago about the organization and it's mission to deliver hand sewn dresses and underwear to young girls in orphanages. "If a girl appears to be cared for in her appearance, she is less likely to be abducted," says Dewey. "Typically the girls are between 6-8 that are abducted because they are old enough to carry wood and water, but young enough that they're not going to try to escape."

Dewey is the ambassador for the Southern Maine and New Hampshire chapter. She has more than 1,000 people sewing for her; some in church groups, others from their own homes. "We have distributed over 11,000 dresses in 30 countries in the last five years."


At 12-years-old, Annabelle Wainman is sewing face masks for her community.


One of those sewers began when she was 7-years-old. Annabelle Wainman is now 12 and has switched gears to sewing face masks for her neighbors and friends. She accepts donations which have already exceeded her goal, raising just under $500 to help send two women in Uganda to school to become entrepreneurs, through Dress A Girl. "Once they graduate they will have seed money to start their own businesses. It might be farming; raising goats; a little cafe," explains Dewey.

"I've also raised money for the Good Shepherd Food Bank and I'm now raising money for the United Way York County branch," says Wainman. "To date I've raised $1,640." She's even sharing her stitching online, offering tutorials to those who'd like to learn how she sews the masks. 


Annabelle Wainman has received photos and Thank You notes from many of those she's sewn for.


To learn more about Dress A Girl Southern Maine, email Jackie Dewey here: dressagirlsmaine@gmail.com

RELATED: Clothing resource helps Maine families in need get ready for back-to-school

RELATED: How sewing a simple dress can keep a woman out of captivity

Girl Power: Everything on Our May Shopping List Was Created by Strong Women Designers - POPSUGAR

Posted: 01 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

This May, we want to feel good about what we're shopping (when we're shopping) and make sure we're supporting small businesses that need our help now more than ever. As the weather turns and we allow the sunshine to brighten our days, we're looking forward to wearing warm-weather pieces — from straw sun hats to breezy dresses that will take us right into summer — and we refuse to shy away from color, since it's a total mood booster.

We decided to spotlight some of our favorite women-run fashion brands and the lovely pieces they're creating. (Shout-out to Roxanne Assoulin and her "Love Endlessly" pendant — we feel you!) You probably haven't heard of all of these labels, but we promise you'll continue to follow them now that we're making the introduction.

Even though we know not everyone can afford to shop right now, these are companies that could use your help if your finances allow it and, like us, you've been de-stressing with some online browsing. Whether you're shopping for Mother's Day or looking to treat a loved one with something special to show them you've been thinking of them, you will definitely find something meaningful when you scroll.

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